We are going to analize the data set qpdat
, which is
included in quickpsy
. It has a tidy form: each
column corresponds to a variable and each row to an observation.
To fit the psychometric functions (the default shape is the cumulative normal function), we use the main function of quickpsy, which has the name of the package. We introduce the data, the name of the explanatory variable, the name of the response variable and the name of the grouping variables.
creates a object of class quickpsy with a list
of data frames with all the results. We can use names
see the names of the output data frames
#> [1] "x" "k" "n"
#> [4] "guess" "lapses" "averages"
#> [7] "groups" "funname" "log"
#> [10] "psyfunguesslapses" "limits" "pariniset"
#> [13] "parini" "optimization" "par"
#> [16] "pariniset" "ypred" "curves"
#> [19] "sse" "thresholds" "logliks"
#> [22] "loglikssaturated" "deviance" "avbootstrap"
#> [25] "parbootstrap" "logliksboot" "logliksbootsaturated"
#> [28] "devianceboot" "aic" "parcomparisons"
#> [31] "curvesbootstrap" "thresholdsbootstrap" "thresholdcomparisons"
To obtain the thresholds, for example, we can do
#> participant cond thre prob threinf thresup
#> 1 aa -1 147.35236 0.5 136.70365 157.46304
#> 2 aa 1 114.58814 0.5 103.99970 124.58167
#> 3 bb -1 162.26353 0.5 153.11444 172.99970
#> 4 bb 1 145.74502 0.5 136.79495 153.02431
#> 5 cc -1 83.85067 0.5 72.74915 96.14488
#> 6 cc 1 91.49326 0.5 79.43000 102.14614
and to obtain the parameters
#> # A tibble: 12 × 6
#> # Groups: participant, cond [6]
#> participant cond parn par parinf parsup
#> <fct> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 aa -1 p1 147. 137. 157.
#> 2 aa -1 p2 107. 98.2 117.
#> 3 aa 1 p1 115. 104. 125.
#> 4 aa 1 p2 106. 93.6 116.
#> 5 bb -1 p1 162. 153. 173.
#> 6 bb -1 p2 85.7 76.3 93.8
#> 7 bb 1 p1 146. 137. 153.
#> 8 bb 1 p2 69.3 61.9 75.8
#> 9 cc -1 p1 83.9 72.7 96.1
#> 10 cc -1 p2 139. 126. 157.
#> 11 cc 1 p1 91.5 79.4 102.
#> 12 cc 1 p2 139. 127. 153.
We can use plot
to plot the psychometric curves
#> Warning in geom_errorbarh(data = qp$thresholds, height = 0.03, aes_string(x =
#> "threinf", : Ignoring unknown aesthetics: x
or if we want to used different colors for the different conditions
plot(fit, color = cond)
#> Warning in geom_errorbarh(data = qp$thresholds, height = 0.03, aes_string(x =
#> "threinf", : Ignoring unknown aesthetics: x
The output plot is a ggplot and we can modify it accordingly. For example
plot(fit, color = cond) +
labs(y = "Proportion") +
#> Warning in geom_errorbarh(data = qp$thresholds, height = 0.03, aes_string(x =
#> "threinf", : Ignoring unknown aesthetics: x
Of course, we can also use the output data frames to create the plot ourselves
ggplot() +
facet_wrap(~ participant) +
geom_line(data = fit$curvesbootstrap,
aes(x = x, y = y, color = cond,
group=paste(sample, cond)), lwd = .2, alpha = .4) +
geom_line(data = fit$curves, aes(x = x, y = y, group = cond)) +
geom_point(data = fit$averages, aes(x = phase, y = prob), size = 2) +
geom_point(data = fit$averages, aes(x = phase, y = prob, color = cond))